Friday, May 6, 2011


This is one of West Sumatra Padang cuisine. The main ingredient of this dish is fresh squid, ground chili and coconut milk. Here is a recipe for ingredients 1 kg of fresh squid.


- 1 kg of fresh squid
- 3 coconuts to make coconut milk, thick and thin coconut milk
- Fresh water


- 2 ounces ground red pepper
- 24 red onions, mashed
- 6 cloves garlic, crushed
- 6 candlenuts, mashed
- 4 tomatoes, chopped fine
- 2 pieces of lemon, squeeze, citrus water taken
- 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
- 2 teaspoons ginger fine / powder
- 2 turmeric leaves
- 2 teaspoons turmeric fine / powder
- 8 stems of basil, leaves only taken
- Salt to taste


1. Clean the squid, remove the red skin (epidermis), his head cleared, including the black one. Boil the squid with fresh water and salt for about 10 minutes, remove and drain.

2. Head and body reunited with the embeddable squid with a stick or skewer or tied tightly.

3. Using a saucepan, simmer the coconut milk and all ground ingredients but the bround red chili pepper.

4. After boiling coconut milk, add the squid and sliced ​​tomatoes, ground chili peppers, lemongrass, turmeric and basil leaves, pour the lemon juice too.

5. Cook while stirring (so as not to break coconut milk) for about 15 minutes until the smell of decaying stench disappeared.

6. After cooked appointed. Squid curry ready to served.


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